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27th Jan 2016

7 Clever Uses For Everyday Reliable Items in The Home


There are some household items that will always and forever have a home in cupboards around Ireland. The old reliables.

With a little help from the good folks at, we’re bringing you seven clever uses for everyday products. Some of them might surprise you!

1. Make flowers last with a penny

Drop a penny into a vase of flowers, add a pinch of sugar and your cut flowers will be perkier for longer. Simple.

Plastic flower in vase on table - vintage effect style

2. Baby wipes

No matter what cleaning emergency comes your way, baby wipes always come in handy. Food-stained clothes, dirty keyboards or smudged tablet screens can be restored to their best with a super quick rub of a baby wipe.

3. Baby oil

Moisturising sensitive skin is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to baby oil. From shining wooden furniture to oiling creaky hinges, a bottle of this magic potion will never go amiss in a busy home.


4. Toothpaste

Bring your favourite sneakers back to life with whitening toothpaste and a spare brush. With a few minutes of scrubbing and some serious elbow grease, they can be back to their fresh-out-of-the-box best before you know it!

5. Lemon juice

Whether it’s being used to clean a chopping board, relieve flu symptoms alongside honey and water, freshen kitchen equipment or to brighten a white wash (add a squeeze of lemon to the clothes before popping them into the washing machine), the humble lemon is one of the most reliable household items.


6. Baby powder

You know that box full of tangled necklaces sitting on your dresser? There’s a surprisingly simple solution to tackling your favourite pieces of bling. Pop about a tablespoon of baby powder in a small zip-lock bag, place the necklaces in the container and shake for about a minute. Watch the baby powder work its magic on the knots to help break things up – without doing any damage to your jewellery.

7. Vinegar

Vinegar should be an important part of every home’s cleaning arsenal, but it’s particularly reliable when it comes to getting windows sparkly clean. Simply mix a solution of one part white vinegar and one part hot water, and using a sponge, wet (but don’t drench) the window with the water-vinegar solution. Gently rub the dirt away, and hey presto, they’ll look brand new!

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