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14th Jul 2016

Homeowners: Are You Missing Out On €7,150 in Grants?

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Home ownership is an expensive business. From the bin charges to those never-ending weekend DIY jobs, there’s always something house-related to pay for, but if you’re carrying out an upgrade that will make your home more energy-efficient, you could claim a cash grant that could save you a LOT of money.

Since the launch of the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) in 2009, more than 335,000 home-owners in Ireland have undertaken energy efficiency upgrades with a total Government investment of €172m. These upgrades not only make a home more comfortable, they also help to make all future energy bills cheaper, so it’s a win/win.

You can avail of grant assistance by upgrading your home under the Better Energy Homes Scheme, with grants of €300 available for jobs like attic and cavity wall insulation and larger sums, up to €4,500, available for homeowners looking to carry out work such as wall insulation on detached properties.

Here are the details…


If your heating system or boiler has seen better days, a grant of up to €700 could make it more feasible to upgrade it, and if you’ve ever considered solar powered heating, you could access a grant of up to €1,200 to help you install it.

Once you qualify for a grant, the payment is made directly into your bank account but grant approval must be in place before works commence.

To apply, all you need is you Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) (you will find this on your electricity bill), your bank details and email address and details of your chosen registered contractor from the SEAI Registered Contractor List.

Some of the qualifying criteria for grants are as follows:

  • Your home must be built before 2006
  • The contractor you hire must be SEAI approved
  • All manufacturers/products used must be SEAI approved
  • You must have a BER on completion of upgrade Works

To apply, check out the application form here.

Have you availed of an SEAI grant for energy upgrades? We’d love to know how it worked for you, let us know on Twitter @HerFamilydotie. 

