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06th Feb 2018

Mum shares heartbreaking warning after son dies of sepsis after contracting Flu B

Jade Hayden

dylan day

A mum has shared a warning to other parents after her son died of sepsis after contracting influenza B.

Dylan Day passed away after contracting the infection which was brought on by the Flu B strain.

The 12-year-old’s mum, Sarah, has taken to Facebook to warn others about the symptoms of sepsis.

Sarah wrote:

“My mind won’t switch off. We had so many amazing plans this year.

“Phil & I have had a rubbish few years we both lost our dads & my mum became disabled after a very bad stroke but we ourselves decided on New Year’s Eve we were going to have a good year – Dylan’s 13th, making plans for our Cornwall holiday & few more amazing things.

“I could suffocate myself in feelings when I sit & think. I miss my boy so much it hurts to do anything.

“I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

Sarah also included some of the warning symptoms of the “rare but serious infection.”

They include shivering, a fever, extreme pain or discomfort, pale skin, confusion upon waking, and shortness of breath.

12-year-old Dylan passed away on January 20 just days after he was diagnosed with the infection.

A family friend has started a JustGiving page to raise funds in memory of Dylan and to “show this family some love.”

On the page, family friend Laura Clarke wrote:

“There is so much love in the community for this devastated family, it would be lovely to give them a gift to use to cherish his memory and treat his siblings.”

She has already raised just over £16,000 in Dylan’s memory.

Feature image via JustGiving.