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23rd Jul 2016

It’s Official: First-Born Children ARE Smarter Than Their Siblings

Katie Mythen-Lynch

If you’re the most senior of your siblings, a piece of scientific research has given you the ultimate in bragging rights: first-born children have higher IQs.

A University of Illinois study of 400,000 high school students showed the eldest child in the family was more likely to have a one-point IQ advantage.

According to the study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, the eldest child is also more likely to be extroverted, conscientious and agreeable and less likely to suffer from anxiety.

Unfortunately (and you can keep this part to yourself if you’re a first born), while the statistics are scientifically significant, they are practically meaningless.

According to study lead Professor Brent Roberts: “in terms of personality traits and how you rate them, a 0.02 correlation doesn’t get you anything of note.’

Researcher Professor Rodica Damian added: “The message of this study is that birth order probably should not influence your parenting, because it’s not meaningfully related to your kid’s personality or IQ,”