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08th Apr 2015

A car is so much more than a car when you become a parent. Oh, yes. Here’s the ugly truth

I'd be lost without it

Sive O'Brien

Since becoming a parent, my car is SO much more than just a car. In fact, I’d be lost without it. Literally.

My faithful motor has served me well on many occasions – like helping my daughter to fall asleep. I’ve spent A LOT of time behind the wheel over the past 17 months, which is probably why on closer inspection and judging by the amount of stuff – clothes, make up, cleaning products, blankets, pillows, coffee cups, baby nappies (clean) – in there you would be forgiven for thinking that I actually live in my car.

Since becoming a parent, my car has not just been a car, it has also been a…


My car has served as a baby changing facility on many occasions. Sometimes this works just fine, other times I wish I had a leather interior rather than upholstery.


Like I said, driving around with my daughter is pretty much guaranteed to send her to sleep. Because of this, I’ve spent a lot of time driving aimlessly just so she would take a nap and I could set up…


Any time I needed to catch up on admin during my maternity leave, I would put my laptop (and baby) in the car and take a drive to somewhere scenic that had WiFi. Emailing, blogging and paying bills would always coincide with the baby sleeping (in the back of the car).

Kitchen diner

As a family, we’ve enjoyed many meals in the car together, and NOT because we’re fast food junkies – we hardly ever go to a drive-thru. On most occasions we make a packed lunch, which inevitably gets eaten before we’ve arrived at our destination; other times we stop at one of our favourite food spots where one of us runs in and picks up something to eat. When my daughter was younger the car was also the place where I had to pull over (in a safe spot) and breastfeed on a few occasions when I was in the middle of nowhere.


Sometimes, when my daughter is sick of playing in the house; tired of running around the garden; won’t sit in her buggy to go for a walk, I read her stories or do jigsaws with her on the back seat of the car while it is parked outside the house; although she is becoming increasingly intrigued by the ‘toys’ (i.e. the steering wheel and car horn) in the front of the car instead. (And increasingly frustrated that I won’t let her play with them.) The days of the car acting as a playroom are numbered.


The car is usually where I do my make up and hair once I get to work. That is if I want to leave the house before getting stuck in traffic, or getting sucked into any domestic dramas.


Back in the days when a lot of baby napping was happening in the car, if I wasn’t catching up on admin I would catch up on my favourite series; watch a film; read a book; listen to a podcast. In fact, the car is the perfect place to unwind because there’s absolutely no risk of you using baby’s nap time to do chores. Unless you start washing your clothes in there, which is taking things a little too far. Even for me.