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05th Jul 2016

Got Crayon Marks On The Walls? Use This Simple Trick!


We’ve all been there – we take our eyes off the kids for two minutes and before we know it, the crayons have become their tools of destruction and the walls their canvass.

But there is a simple trick which you may not have heard of for removing crayon marks from the walls.

Today explains that non-gel toothpastes contain mild abrasives which can remove the marks without damaging the paint.

toothbrush and toothpaste closeup on table

All you have to do is squeeze a small amount onto a toothbrush and gently rub it over the marks until they start to disappear.

Once the crayon is gone, wipe the toothpaste away with a clean, damp cloth. It is recommended that you test it on a small part before applying to the rest of the surface.