These look amazing!
This Dublin dad has created a series of books to empower young girls and they look inspiring.
Gavin Leonard found that there was a lack of positive female role models in children’s literature and wants to change this for his own daughter and other little girls.
The idea for his book series Not Just A Princess emerged when Gavin began making up stories to tell his two-year-old daughter Jade.
Gavin started a parenting blog, Not Just a Princess, last year in which he posted some of these stories but now he is hoping to bring them to a wider audience by turning them into fully-fledged series of hardback books.
Each princess in Gavin’s books has a unique set of skills that she uses to solve problems around the fictional world of Wonderville.
When I was growing up I loved characters like Mulan, Buffy and Xena and I definitely think there is room for more inspirational female characters for little girls to look up to.
My daughter is only a year old but she is anything but a wallflower and rather than princess I often refer to her as the Valkyrie, so I know she would love these books at bedtime.
Not Just a Princess recently launched a Kickstarter for the series and it was fully funded within two hours! If you’re interested in getting a copy of the series for yourself you can find out how on Gavin’s website.