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21st May 2016

#100DaysToHealth: To Change Your Body, Start With Your Mind


It’s no longer enough to simply exercise and eat well. Oh, no. These days, it’s about balancing your physical and mental approach to getting fit. Yep, from those toned Jennifer Aniston arms to Beyoncé’s glutes, real fitness starts in your mind. 

MindHerBody’s Jen Feighery, who runs a 90-day personalised programme, has shared some of her health expertise to help you (and us!) to get truly healthy this summer:


“Your thoughts and beliefs create your reality”

Motivation is crucial for achieving all types of success. One of the biggest challenges in meeting any goal in life, whether you want to perform better in work, transform your lifestyle or simply become a happier person, is finding the motivation to work towards this and having the coping mechanisms to get over any obstacles you may face along the way.

Life can get a little hectic at times. The demands we face on a daily basis can often leave us feeling stressed, overworked, tired and sometimes even unhappy. Taking some time out to visualise your goals and relax your mind can help de-stress and support you in your hectic day-to-day routine.


“To grow yourself, start by knowing yourself”

Personal development and self awareness are essential to maximising your potential. With your busy schedule, it may be difficult to find time to stand still and think about who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what drives you, your personality, your habits and values.  The “Her” section is an opportunity to personalise the MindHerBody (MHB) programme. Personal development allows you to be proactive. Rather than wait for good things to happen, we want you to get out there and make it happen for yourself. Tracking your progress will allow you take charge of your life so that you can accomplish all your personal goals and ambitions.


“Work out and eat well for lifelong balance”

Exercise and nutrition are the cornerstone of health and wellbeing. If you pair smart training with a realistic and well-balanced diet you will notice immediate changes to your mood, energy, physique and overall quality of life. You are what you eat and we want you to be fuelled with health-powered food. We want exercise to be something that is feasible, sociable and enjoyable, with no gym equipment needed! Choose workouts that incorporate a combination of cardio, strength and abdominal exercises, thereby providing you with a total body workout that will keep you in shape and tone your body.

Follow the hashtag #100DaysToHealth for more.