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12th Jul 2015

Time-poor tips to beat the tummy bulge… and you don’t even have to leave the house

Our fitness expert Gillian Hynes

Gillian Hynes

If the season has left you looking a little more… conditioned, than you’d like, now is the time to correct it with a little gentle exercise. We asked renowned fitness and weight loss expert, Gillian Hynes of Body Project to give us a simple workout that can be done at home in minutes. Use a mat or towel for added comfort.

Gillian says: “This is an overall tummy workout, which rather than just targeting the main abdominal wall, also targets the very deep tummy muscles, tightens the waist muscles also, for a neater stronger tummy from the inside out!”


Mountain Climbers*

Targets: Abdominals & cardio

Step 1: Start on hands and toes, hips in parallel to shoulders and heels, wrists directly below the shoulders.

Step 2: Jump on knee forward towards the centre of hands.

Step 3: Moving swiftly, but without losing form, switch legs for 20 seconds.

Gillian says: “Pull tight into your tummy throughout.”

*You’ll also perform 10 seconds of this move between each exercise in your circuit


Do the below circuit-style, i.e. each exercise one after the other performing 3 – 4 rounds in total. Take a 30 second rest between each round.


plank crop

Targets: Deep abdominals

Step 1: Lying on your tummy, legs close together, toes gently curled under, elbows directly below your shoulders, palms flat to floor.

Step 2: Draw your naval towards spine, press into your elbows and toes, raising from the floor, bringing hips parallel with your torso and heels. Hold for 30 seconds.

Gillian says: “Keep your tummy tight throughout and make sure your lower back does not sag.”

10-seconds mountain climbers

Single elbow to knee

Targets: Abdominals & obliques

Step 1: Lying on your back, hands gently clasped behind head, shoulders and head lifted from the floor, one foot on opposite leg.

Step 2: Draw your opposite elbow toward the knee of the bent leg in a gentle diagonal motion. Slowly lower yourself back to the hovering position. Do 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.

10-seconds mountain climbers

Flutter Kicks

Targets: Lower abdominals

Step 1: Lie on your back with hands gently clasped behind your head.

Step 2: Pull tight into your tummy, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, then bring legs into a hovering position just above the floor.

Step 3: Bring one foot higher than the other and continuously switch for 15 seconds.

Gillian says: “Don’t allow your lower back to arch away from the mat.”

10-seconds mountain climbers

Side Plank

side plank crop

Targets: Obliques

Step 1: Lie on your side, propped up on forearm, elbow directly below your shoulder and body in straight line, legs one on top of the other.

Step 2: Lift hips off the floor to align shoulder hips, knees and ankles. Hold the position, pulling strong into your tummy for 15 seconds, repeat on the other side.

10-seconds mountain climbers

Russian Twist

Targets: Obliques & transverse abdominals

Step 1: Start from seated, legs bent, hands by sides of knees. Roll back keeping spine straight until you upper body is tilted 45 degrees from the floor.

Step 2: Bring hands together out in front. Keeping arms level with the bottom of your ribcage.

Step 3: Drawing tight into your abs, gently twist from side to side pausing briefly at the centre between each rep. Twist 10 times to each side.

Gillian says: “Don’t allow your back to round out.”

Fine out more about Gillian, her Dublin 2 studio, and the 4-6 week training and chef-prepared paleo meals at Body Project