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07th Jun 2016

We Are Declaring Today ‘International Take A Nap’ Day (You Are Welcome!)

Sharyn Hayden

We’re calling it. It’s Tuesday after the super-sunny bank holiday weekend and really, the only way to get through it is to declare an ‘International Take A Nap Day’. 

There is nothing nicer in this world than taking a little disco nap during the day. Just ten minutes shut-eye can really do the trick if you’re feeling a bit wrecked or you have tired and sore eyes.

I used to scoff at people who’d say ‘Sleep when the baby sleeps!’ after my first child was born because it was sooo important that I clean the house/bake the baked stuff/wash and iron all the clothes/do all the work on the computer/trim the dog’s nose hair…when really, that stuff wasn’t entirely important at all.


Yes, I know that there are essential ‘things’ that must be done when the baby sleeps, particularly if you have a wobbler or walker who won’t let you do anything when they are awake, I get it. So get that rubbish out, mop that floor and get the mince out of the freezer to defrost.

And then…get into that bed. I mean it! Why do we think that we are being total lazy arses if we give ourselves a break? We need one!

We’ve been up a few times during the night, we’re working, we’re doing all the running around to pick up and drop off at the schools, we’re zooming around the supermarket at high speed, praying that we don’t meet anyone we know in case they want to stop and chat, and then you lose the 20-minute window where your baby might be agreeable?!


I admit that there are some days, when I am totally wrecked, say if the kids are sick and I’m up all night, where I go to sleep as soon as the baby does, and I don’t set an alarm. I’ll wake up when she does, and that might be two hours later.

Guess what – I deserve that! At least once a week now, I’ll close my eyes for ten minutes or so during her nap and I always feel much better afterwards.

So today, take off your bra, get under those covers and give yourself a much needed rest.

Once you start, I guarantee you’ll want one every day – so do it!

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