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12th Feb 2019

Mum ‘sickened’ by cheat day lunchbox aimed towards ‘little girls’

Jade Hayden

“Girls – you are MORE than your bodies.”

A woman has shared her disgust at a lunchbox that she believes is being marketed towards young girls.

The box is a small pink number boasting the words “cheat day” written on it in sparkles, referring to the elusive one day a week that dieting women are seemingly supposed to reserve for consuming whatever they want.


US lifestyle blogger Sonni Abatta spotted the lunchbox for sale in her local department store. She decided to take a photo of the offending item and share it to Facebook.

She wrote that she was “sickened” by the product and questioned why everybody seems so surprised when so many young women and girls experience eating disorders in their lives.

“I am SICKENED that this phrase is on a lunch box,” she said.

“We scratch our heads when we see our little girls struggle with body image, with self worth, with confidence.

“We wonder, “Why do our girls worry so much about their bodies so young?” … “Why does my five year old call herself ‘fat?'” … “Why does my middle schooler stand in front of the mirror and find all her flaws?” THIS. This is part of the reason why.”

Abatta went on to say telling somebody that “cheating” means a lack of self control is damaging, and that women shouldn’t be denied food just because it isn’t comprised of “vegetables and air.”

She said that she’s well aware that a diet of chips and sugar isn’t healthy, but in no world would a similar message ever be directed at young boys.

“Girls – you are not “cheating” when you enjoy good food,” she said.

“You are not “cheating” when you eat pizza. You are not “cheating” when you have a cookie, or two, on occasion. You are not “cheating” when you live in moderation and allow yourself things that make you happy.

“Girls – you are MORE than your bodies. More than your faces. More than your complexions. More than the clothes you wear and the things you buys and the other girls you hang out with.”

Abatta’s post has since been shared over 130 times, with many other parents expressing disgust over the lunchbox’s message.

Others suggested that the product may actually be aimed towards women, and not girls. Abatta responded to these messages stating that such marketing, irrespective of who it’s aimed at, “still kinda sucks.”