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Big Kids

14th May 2018

Student’s mock CV and cover letter is absolutely brilliant

Jade Hayden

We’d hire them, yeah.

If you’re a young teen, the concept of creating a CV and cover letter is probably not on your radar.

Afterall, who wants to think about the hassle, stress, and general issues that come with getting a job when you’re about 14, won’t be moving out for at least 10 more years (probably), and also still have your sausages cut up for you during the weekend fry.

That’s what being a teenager is like these days, right?

It definitely is.

Anyway, usually if you asked a young teen to draw up a CV, they’d write something about how much they loved working in their dad’s office for the summer last year and that their favourite past time is reading.

One teen, however, decided to go a little outside of the box and produce something a little like this instead.

A CV and cover letter styled as ‘Groot’, the tree who can only say one word (‘Groot’), or one phrase (‘I am Groot’), from Guardian’s of the Galaxy. 

And in case you can’t read the above, it just says ‘I am Groot’ a load of times.

Yeah, we know. Impressive.

Now, in fairness, this student was asked by their teacher to create a CV and cover letter based on a Marvel character… so they didn’t completely take the piss and just write this for the laugh instead of doing a real assignment.

But it’s still decent, and definitely one of the most creative this teacher received.

We assume.