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HelloFresh - Back to school


08th Oct 2017

This toddler did a makeup tutorial and it was really impressive

She knows what she's doing.

Jade Hayden


Eftiola is a mum from south Florida.

She’s also a makeup artist, and a pretty good one at that.

Eftiola’s been sharing her tutorials over on Instagram account for some time now, but it was her daughter’s tutorial that really got everybody talking.

In a video entitled ‘when my munchkin did a little glam session,’ users can see Eftiola’s toddler, Jenny, taking her mum’s audience through each step of her iconic makeup look.

She starts with blending her foundation.

Then throws on some powder.

Next, brows.

And finally, lashes.

Jenny, of course, is a next level MUA and it definitely shows in this video.

So much so that Huda Kattan actually went and shared the post on her own Instagram account.

So far, it’s been viewed over one million times.

That can only mean two things – that Jenny is an Instagram star now, and that she absolutely needs to teach us all how to do our makeup properly.