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02nd May 2017

Avocado fan? Stock up because there’s a shortage on the horizon

Anna O'Rourke

Everyone remain calm.

The team here at HerFamily are BIG avocado fans, so the latest news update on the fruit has knocked us for six.

It’s been reported that there may be an avocado shortage on the horizon.

Yes, we’re still reeling from the recent hummus crisis and now we could be looking at an avocado crisis due to reduced harvests of the crop.

Increased global demand and a lower yield of avocados in Mexico, Peru and California have driven up their price, the BBC has reported.

California’s production is expected to be down 44 percent this year, while flooding in Peru has also negatively affected the country’s crop forecast.

A 10 kilo box of Hass avocados from Mexico now costs $27.89 – more than double the price of last year.

So there you are – either part with a load of cash or go without your fix.

What a sorry state of affairs.

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