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HelloFresh - Back to school


16th May 2018

A brunch that includes yoga AND disco dancing is hitting Dublin this weekend

YES to this!

Denise Curtin

Grab your mates.

We have your weekend plans #sorted.

A new event group called CB Disco has set-up a disco brunch like none other and we’re so there. From 1pm to 10pm, a cottage and courtyard located in the Grand Canal area of Dublin 2 will be transformed into a hub of food, dancing, wellness and overall craic.

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You can choose what time you arrive be it for the yoga and brunch, just the yoga, just the dancing or the whole shebang, it is entirely up to you.

The brunch buffet will be provided by the delish Lock 6 café, who will be dishing up the finest avo-on-toast while you have a boogie and attempt some downward facing dog (if that tickles your fancy).

A post shared by Lock 6 Cafe (@lock6cafe) on

All the tunes will then be supplied by CB Disco DJ’s plus some special guests who are yet to be named. Exciting.

The tickets vary in price from €30 which includes the whole lot and begins with a one-hour yoga sesh at 1pm to €10 which includes just an evening of dancing the night away, kicking off from 4pm, the choice is yours and all tickets can be purchased here.

Also… did we mention there will be plenty of prosecco, beer and wine, well that is us SOLD.