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18th Oct 2016

3 Primers That Will Give You No-Filter-Needed, Flawless Skin

Trine Jensen-Burke


If you are a fan of foundation, here is a sentence you need to memorize: It is a crime not to prime.

And once you see how much more amazing your skin looks with a little primer applied before you get stuck into applying foundation, you will never go back.

Primer smoothes your skin, reduces the appearance of large pores, and preps it for any products you may want to layer on top. Even if you don’t wear foundation primers work wonders for “naked skin” too, as a treatment and general finishing product.

Ready for dewy, mountain-maiden skin? Here are three primers so good you can wave buh-buy to those Instagram filters altogether:

1. Clarins Instant Light Radiance Boosting Complexion Base

This primer is a personal favourite of mine, mostly because it feels so light worn under foundation. It gives my skin a super-healthy glow, and hides any sinful late nights or sneaky glasses of wine. I sometimes wear just this for a perfectly fresh-faced look, other times I layer it under my foundation – and have flawless skin all day.

Available from Arnotts, Debenhams and Clarins counters nationwide.


2. This Works In Transit Camera Close Up

If you are looking for the perfect “I woke up like this” glow. You. Cannot. Go. Wrong. With. This. Product.

Available from Arnotts, Boots and selected pharmacies nationwide.


3. Laura Mercier Foundation Primer Radiance

It is no wonder that this primer has achieved cult status among makeup artist and beauty bloggers. The creamy gel sinks into your skin and gives the perfect pearly tint that suits every skin tone. As well as this, this little skin hero is packed with vitamins A, C and E, helping to protect your skin against aggressors like pollution and harsh weather.

Available from Brown Thomas and Harvey Nichols.


Polished, glowing skin on the run: check.