The vast majority of us are spending more time in our homes than ever before.
Which is why Netflix’ latest home improvement series could literally not have come at a better time.
Get Organized with The Home Edit follows The Home Edit founders Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin as they overhaul celebrity and everyday homes to make them as tidy and organised as possible. Shearer and Teplin, who are the authors of The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals and The Home Edit Life: The No-Guilt Guide to Owning What You Want and Organizing Everything, will tackle everything from kitchens and wardrobes to junk drawers, bathrooms and playrooms, all with their tried-and-tested organisation system.
And honestly – can’t you just feel an organisation frenzy coming on?!
The duo behind Home Edit rose to fame a while back, when their social media channel really took off and started gaining thousands and thousands of followers, all eager to declutter and organise their homes the Home Edit way.
In the eight-episode Netflix show, we get to see the duo as they set to work with their clients, turning their jumbled homes into clutter-free, well-organised ones.
“Shearer and Teplin conquer clutter with their unique brand of interior styling, practicality and humour, dramatically transforming the lives of their featured clients,” reads the series’ official description on Netflix. “From their home state of Tennessee, to New York and California, each episode dives into an organizational project for a celebrity and a civilian, while showcasing the influential duo’s unique form-meets-function approach providing inspiration to every aspirational organiser.”
The series one of show, which is produced by none other than Reese Witherspoon and her production company Hello Sunshine, sees Shearer and Teplin de-cluttering the homes of Rachel Zoe, Khloe Kardashian, Eva Longoria, Neil Patrick Harris, Jordana Brewster and many more.
And now you know what you’ll be doing for the next couple of nights, anyway!