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08th Mar 2017

Whoa, Emma Watson just dropped this personal grooming bombshell

Katie Mythen-Lynch

The Body Shop beauty buy Emma Watson wears every day

Ever since Goop Paltrow starting steaming her hoo-ha, we’ve become ever more curious about the various demented routines women are employing to spruce up their muffs.

Unlike deep cleaning your vagina, however (completely unnecessary and downright idiotic), some of the ideas touted for tidying up your front office are rather intriguing…. and won’t get you completely berated by your gynaecologist.

Step forward fabulous feminist Emma Watson. Ever the best mate we wish we had, Watson has been spilling all of her beauty and body care secrets, including a little tip we might just be stealing for ourselves.

She oils her pubic hair.

Speaking to Into The Gloss, Watson said she’s a big fan of Fur Oil, a formula that softens pubic hair and clears pores for fewer ingrown.

“I use Fur Oil. I’ll use that anywhere from the ends of my hair to my eyebrows to my pubic hair. It’s an amazing all-purpose product.” she said.

She also revealed she isn’t afraid of a bit of Jolen…

“It’s funny—I was just talking to my friend before this about how in the Instagram era it’s so easy to edit your life so that it looks perfect. But I bleach my top lip and tweeze my eyebrows and you’d never get to see that, even though it’s a part of my routine.”

Well, if it’s good enough for Emma Watson…