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15th May 2017

This is the real reason Victoria Beckham ALWAYS wears sunglasses

Katie Mythen-Lynch

We always guessed Victoria Beckham’s decision to wear sunglasses at every available occasion was something to do with avoiding wrinkles or hiding from the paparazzi.

Perhaps she’s got sensitive eyes, we surmised, maybe she’s just a fashion victim or maybe she’s got hay fever.

This week however, the mum-of-four revealed the real reason she is never without a pair of dark sunnies… and it’s more endearing than we expected.

Speaking to fans as part of a promotional trip to Hong Kong, Mrs Beckham said her self-designed collection of frames helps to disguise the side effects of motherhood:

‘I think sunglasses are the final touch to a woman’s outfit. I wear sunglasses because like most mums, I am up all night with my children.

They hide a multitude of sins.’

So there you have it; it’s not an ego thing at all, she’s just completely wrecked like the rest of us.