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HelloFresh - Back to school


23rd Aug 2017

Chris Martin surprised this unwell fan at her work and it’s super cute

She is battling a serious illness.

Jade Hayden

Heidi Hernandez is a massive Coldplay fan.

She also has a life threatening disease that needs to be treated with a liver transplant and has left her battling depression.

The 17-year-old works as a waitress in a pizza restaurant in Chicago. Unknown to her, her manager Tori Sanchez had organised for her favourite band’s frontman, Chris Martin, to drop by and say hello after his gig.

Unsurprisingly, Heidi was only delighted by the visit and took to Facebook to share a cute pic of the two.

She captioned the photo: “Dreams come true, never stop believing. I love you Chris Martin.”

Heidi’s condition is called primary sclerosing cholangitis.

It is an illness that affects a person’s bile ducts, causing permanent damage to their liver.

Heidi had a liver transplant when she was just nine-years-old but now she needs to have another.

The teenager told ABC7 that it was her dream to meet Chris, and that his music had helped her through her depression in the past.

“I got into a really bad depression where I wouldn’t even be able to go to school. And I just started listening to (Coldplay’s) music and it made me feel a lot better.”

Heidi was originally interviewed by the news station after Chance the Rapper gave her and her boyfriend tickets to see Coldplay’s show.

She had not met Chris Martin at this point.

Heidi has urged people to be more vigilant in helping others by becoming organ donors.

“Become an organ donator. You can always save a life. It may not be my life, but you can save so many lives with just one person.”