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15th Oct 2021

Meghan Trainor has revealed THOSE side-by-side his & her toilets

Laura Grainger

Her brother made the revelation the couple go to the loo together in a recent podcast episode.

Last week, Meghan Trainor made some head-scratching headlines when she revealed she and her husband have side-by-side toilets so they can go together.

During an episode of the “Why Won’t You Date Me?” podcast, Meghan’s brother Ryan told host Nicole Byer that he wanted a relationship different to the too-close bond the singer has with her husband, Spy Kids star Daryl Sabara.

“You guys are weirdos, bro,” he said. “They poop together! She’s pooping and Daryl’s like, ‘I’m going to go hang out with you now!'”

“We just got a new house and we did construction — nobody knows this — but in our bathroom, there was one toilet,” Meghan explained.

“A lot of times in the middle of the night when we’re with the baby, we gotta pee at the same time. So I was like, ‘Can we please have two toilets next to each other?'”

She added that the pair use them “often” together but have only “pooped together twice.”

In a tweet following the podcast episode’s release, she tried to clarify her comments, tweeting: “To clear things up…we pooped ONCE together and we laughed and said never again…but he will hang out with me if I’m [poo emoji]ing cuz WE SOULMATES. And i legit miss him when I’m away from him. And we pee together obvi.”

Unsurprisingly, this added to the noise rather than quietening it, making the whole thing subject to meme fodder.

Following up on the news and memes, Meghan has given yet another update nobody asked for by sharing her husband is “over” the hullaballoo in a TikTok that reveals the side-by-side toilets themselves.

In the video, the poop star – sorry, pop star – is sitting on one of the loos, pants down, staring forlornly at the other empty one, which we can assume Daryl usually occupies. The caption reads, “POV [point of view]: your husband is over the news about you having two toilets next to each other.”

@meghantrainorPOV: your husband is over the news about you having two toilets next to each other

♬ All By Myself – Céline Dion

Yeah sure, it’s great she’s able to laugh at herself, but I never again wish to be so unwillingly informed about a couple’s loo habits. Thanks.