By Katy Thronton
Some essential info for frequent Luas takers.
There will be temporary Luas disruptions over the bank holiday weekend.
The Green Line will be temporarily closed between Beechwood and Stephen’s Green on Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th, and Monday 1st.
According to their website:
“This work is essential to the operation of the Luas system and ensures we deliver a safe, reliable tram service to our customers. The work will involve breaking concrete in certain areas and repairing rail.
“The workers, vehicles, and machinery will generate noise at times. Therefore, it is best carried out over three consecutive days.”
The work will begin after services end on Friday 28th, and finish up before the first tram on Tuesday 2nd.
At the time of writing, all other services will operate as normal. It will operate under Sunday hours on Monday, May 1st.
This is the second time recently that the Luas has closed between these stops to accommodate engineering works.
For the duration of the closure and bank holiday, Luas tickets will be accepted on Dublin Bus and Go Ahead services.