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15th Dec 2016

10 Things Your Baby Will Do That Will Make You Cry (Blame The Hormones!)

Trine Jensen-Burke

Warning, mamas: The first 12 months of motherhood will make you cry. A lot.

There are the “my God, I haven’t slept properly in days” tears. The “when fill I fit back into my jeans again” tears. Oh, and don’t forget about the “I’m doing a terrible job of this being a mum thing” tears – which we all shed, despite actually doing the very best we can – and managing just brilliantly.

But never mind those tear (wipe them and keep going). Wait till you get to experience all the things your new baby will do to make you cry. Some out of panic. Some out of grossness. And some out of love so overwhelming it will literally knock you sideways.

Keep the tissues at the ready, mamas:

1. The gummy, toothless smiles

Oh my God, you have never know gums could make your heart do a back-flip and eyes flood until you see your baby smile!

2. The way she’ll reach her arms for you when someone else is holding her


3. The first time he rolls off the bed

And you’ll panic cry, thinking you broke your own baby.

4. The first time he pees in your face when you change his nappy

It’s so gross, we won’t blame you for shedding a tear.

5. The way she’ll put her toes in her mouth

SO Cute.

6. When he sleep through the night for the very first time

Tears. Of. Joy.

7. The way his legs are so deliciously squishy

Baby flesh is just so darn cute, it can totally make you cry.

8.  When she outgrows her clothes

And you realize how she is getting bigger and less baby-ish every day.

9. When he throws up orange baby food on your most favourite white blouse

Bye-bye last bit of fashionable wardrobe you had left.

10. The way she looks when she sleeps

There is nothing in this world more beautiful than a sleeping baby. Nothing.

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