We’ve been toying with the Going Again for some time now.
In fact, things are even kind of underway in that department which is what’s lead me to start to suspect that The Child is quite possibly psychic. You see, he seems to KNOW. And judging by his various attempts to ‘cock block’ us, I can only assume that he is NOT happy about a potential sibling.
10 ways The Child is apparently trying to block us from giving him a sibling (on purpose or not, it’s hard to tell):
1. He lulls us into believing that he’s finally started sleeping through the night
And then BAM he’s awake four nights straight.
2. When he bites his teddy bear’s face
Is he perhaps not brother material?
3. Anytime I try to get out the door on time in the morning
I pause in the middle of yet another sweaty, frustrating coat-hat-shoes negotiation and think “how (just HOW???) do people manage to exit the house with even more of these child things?”
4. When the tantrum enters its 18th minute and I feel like hiding
“Maybe one is enough, being an only child isn’t so bad,” I think as I try to soothe a demonic toddler while fending off a deluge of beans, yoghurts and rice cakes.
5. When The Child actually does go to bed without a fight and we can have dinner and a movie of an evening
This is rare, like unicorn rare and always makes me waver on the whole sibling question. It’s like in obligingly popping off to bed he’s trying to remind us that it took two years to get to this point and that another baba would definitely put paid to the quiet time post beddy byes for another few years.
6. When I’m sleeping on the floor beside the cot with one hand stuck through the bars at 4 am and The Child won’t let my hand go
Currently, it seems to take all of my being to give this little man the love and attention he needs. “Do you actually think you could manage another?” his serene, smug little face seems to say. “You’re mine, all mine, woman. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.”
7. When I lie down on the floor to play cars and accidentally doze off there
As I tired as I am now I know that it has NOTHING on the exhaustion of the newborn phase, I’ve definitely gone soft since the up-every-hour-of-the-night days.
8. When The Man does that ‘come-hither’ thing with his eyes that he thinks looks sexy, and The Child shouts, “Dada, NO.”
He definitely knows what we’re planning. And he’s not happy about it.
9. When the neighbour let me hold her new baby and The Child started to make this creepy noise that sounded like he was speaking in tongues
Seriously, this happened and it really freaked me out.
10. When he runs into my arms laughing
And I get a little flash of worry at disrupting his happy little universe.
Are you in the midst of the Going Again debate? Or have you recently added to your brood? Let us know your thoughts in the comments…