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14th Nov 2016

80’s Toys Are Back This Christmas And Our List Will Make You Cry With Nostalgia

Amanda Cassidy

They were simpler times where a doll was a doll and space-hoppers were the greatest invention ever made. Fact.

My childhood was filled with storytelling from Teddy Ruxbin, hiding my bracelets in my Keepers and swapping fancy paper. Although, explaining to my daughter that we used to swap and smell bits of scrap paper was more embarrassing than it should have been.

Fashion wheel was EVERYTHING and even thinking about it makes me what to rush to fashion school or maybe I can live vicariously through my daughter and make her go. She says she wants to be a doctor so Santa will be bringing another favourite toy this year…operation.

My trip down my toy-filled memory lane is timely – in recent years companies like FisherPrice and Mattel have acknowledged how lucrative the nostalgia market has become. A whole host of our best-loved gizmos and gadgets are back with a bang (and a few fancy tweaks) to capture the next generation of toy-lovers everywhere.

Here is my list of toys Santa is considering for my little rockstars:

1.Lite Brite

This magic screen gave us endless fun as kids – now it is back in all its former glory. The lights are brighter and the colours stronger. It’s psychedelic appeal continues to draw fans – just avoid the hoover. Buy it here

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2. Strawberry Shortcake

Only the best doll ever! Even the name just conjures up the smell of artificial strawberries. She’s back and your child can now enjoy the sweet, sweet scent for themselves. An oldie but a goodie. You can buy it here

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3. Chatter Phone

The iconic children’s toy is making a comeback but with new and improved functions and sounds. If you plan to get this for your toothless wonder, don’t forget to first explain to them what a landline phone is #futureproof #smartkids

You can buy it here

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4. Viewmaster

Mattel’s view master just got a major virtual reality overhaul. Google has partnered up with the brand to create a VR headset – you can use an app to see 3D images and buy variations of the reels for different experiences like visiting landmarks in 36o degree photospheres. It’s far from photospheres we were raised! You can buy it here

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5. Trolls

Those ugly little guys used to perch happily on the end of my pencil at school. Now thanks to the new Dreamworks movie, they have had a bit of a make-over. Your little tots can now have their own pet troll. You can buy them here 

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6. Glow Worms

A light-filled warm hug from a worm – what could be cuter? I spent many nights hiding under the covers with my glow worm reading Bunty. This years revamped version has three different modes of play – and six lullabies to comfort your child to sleep. You can buy them here

glow worm

7. Fisher Price TV

Again, you may have to spell out to your children what a blocky TV is but this retro toddler toy brought happiness in the shape of nursery tunes to thousands of children. I have one for my little ones and it remains a firm favourite. You can buy it here

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8. Roller Skates

Drum roll please….these were my life when I was eight. You didn’t even have to take your shoes off! Fisher Price still make them but with a modern twist and they are All The Rage this Christmas. We used to ‘skate’ up and down our road clinging to each other for dear life and this was before helmets were invented.

Forget Heely’s, these beauties are adjustable and grow with your child.  What’s not to love? You can buy them here 

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It doesn’t matter if you buy these retro comebacks for your kids pleasure, or in order to fulfil your own secret childhood urge, what is important is that they still exist and that means we are not (too) old.

Happy Hunting Mamas!

What is on your nostalgic toy list? Let us know what we left out!