Ah, god.
Jame Oliver is a good cook.
He’s got a few Italians about the place, he’s probably authored about one million recipes, he taught all those schoolchildren about eating healthy and cried when they ate a chicken nugget.
He’s a good lad, alright?
Jamie, like all of us, does have his faults though. And in his case, they have recently manifested themselves in the dedication for one of his cookbooks.
It goes a little something like this: “Dedicated to my five favourite ingredients” and proceeds to list his children and photos of them too.
Ah, we see.
Lots of other people saw too. One of those people was a woman named Emily on Twitter, who shared a photo of the dedication with the caption: “Is Jamie Oliver going to… cook his children?”
Very good content, indeed.
So good, in fact, that Jamie decided to go ahead and block Emily for sussing him out.
And then she called him out on it.
I can’t FUCKING BELIEVE THIS pic.twitter.com/0iFWqPojQH
— Emily (@EmilyHatzar) August 2, 2018
Jamie’s children’s names are, for the record, Buddy Bear Maurice, Poppy Honey Rosie, River Rocket Blue, Petal Blossom Rainbow, and Daisy Boo Pamela.
We know.