Some great ideas.
With all the kids off school until at least Septmember it can be a struggle trying to think of things to do with them each day.
You stress yourself out trying to think of days out and activities you can do with them when really you don’t have to.
Really when it comes down to it spending some quality time with them at home playing games is all they need.
Here are nine great ways that you can play with your child (of all ages) during lockdown that won’t cost you a thing but your time.
Tummy time
Tummy time is placing your baby on their tummy for play or activity while they’re awake.
It’s important for your baby for the first 6 months.
It helps build their upper body strength. It encourages your baby to move and experiment with rolling and crawling.
Cuddling, singing and soft toys
Cuddling your baby and singing songs and nursery rhymes to them can help to stimulate senses.
It can awaken their curiosity and help your baby to feel relaxed and secure.
Rubbing Try rubbing soft toys on their cheeks and hands to see if they like feeling new sensations.
Peekaboo and clap handies
Babies love to play simple games, like peekaboo and clap handies. They watch what you are doing and mimic your actions.
Playing these simple games with your baby is great for their development. They use muscle control, fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination for these skills.
Building blocks
By six months, babies might enjoy banging blocks together or putting blocks into a cup.
As they get bigger, they might start to stack up the blocks and knock them down again. Toddlers might become budding builders of towers and skyscrapers.
Reading books
Reading is great for helping to support language development.
For babies, try snuggling up and sharing a picture book. Allow your baby to hold the book.
For toddlers choose books with simple stories and encourage them to join in for repetitive lines of the story.
Playing ball
Include toys that encourage movement, such as balls, in your gifts for your child. The physical activity will be good for them.
These games are also very good for the development of their balance and coordination.
Jigsaws and card games
For toddlers and older children, jigsaws and card games, such as snap, can help to develop their problem-solving skills.
They can find out for themselves where the jigsaw fits or what cards match each other. You can help them if they need it.
Arts and crafts
Most toddlers and older children love to get messy and creative, especially if you are there to notice their great ideas and enjoy their works of art!
Let them loose with a paintbrush or help them use a stencil pattern. This can help your child draw and discover different shapes, and how to create them.
Role playing and family board games
Children love to pretend and use their imagination.
While there are lots of costumes in shops your child might be just as happy to dress up in an old t-shirt of yours and a funny hat.
It will also encourage them to use their communication and language skills.