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17th Feb 2015

How to handle a sulker (or correct your own stroppy behaviour)

"I'm fine (*not fine)"

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Do you believe that being in love means not having to spell everything out for your other half? Are you a fan of the silent treatment as a way of making your feelings known?

If you’re guilty of the “I’m fine (*not fine)” method of (non) communication then you might be what’s commonly known as a sulker, somebody who, rather than explain their feelings, prefers to retreat into a sulk.

Believe it or not, this is something humans learn how to do in the womb and it’s actually a behaviour that’s entirely based on fear rather than spitefulness or contempt.

Let’s be honest, a little strop feels good at the time and all of us are partial to an episode now and again, but if this rather childish behaviour becomes a recurring theme, this little video by The School of Life will show you how to handle a sulker of any age… or how to get back on the straight and narrow pronto if the sulker in question is you.