We are not afraid of the truth around here. It’s our raison d’être to tell the truth about parenting, the whole truth, and nothing BUT the truth. Which is why we are Bunmi Laditan’s number 1 official stalker.
If you haven’t come across this living legend, you need to get her in your life already. Author of Toddlers are Assholes and The Honest Toddler: A Child’s Guide to Life; she lives in Canada with her husband and three children, and regularly keeps us amused with her motherhood musings. Her thoughts are so succinct in her Facebook posts; it’s like she’s actually living inside your mind (or the walls of your home).
She is no stranger to the HerFamily pages, we have featured her hilarity often, but this particular post on Friday gave me such a giggle, I had to share it.
No least because upon reading it, I realised how much of it rings true to my own pretentiousness surrounding food for my family and me. I cringed as I read it, recognising myself in so much of this. My constant agony over attempting to be the perfect Pinterest-worthy mum, while shoving a chocolate bar down my gob. My feeling like a failure when I ply them with sugary crap, then try to make amends by forcing them to eat something foul. Hours of baking coconut flour, raw chocolate tasteless bakes, only for them to turn up their noses and request (and get) pizza.
Happy reading, just remember:
“… they only get one childhood and one immune system. Protect it. Nurture it. Turmeric it.”
And, don’t forget to include the hind milk…