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Early years

02nd Feb 2024

The average age when most babies will have their first real smile

Kat O'Connor

Seeing your baby smile for the first time is one of the most special milestones

We all remember the first time we saw our baby smile. It’s one of the most special moments a parent will ever experience, but when does it usually happen?

A study has discovered that on average age a baby will usually smile properly when they’re around one month old.

Babies real smiles are different to the reflexes they have in the first few weeks of life. It is when they grin with their full face, including their eyes, and not just their mouth.

The study was published in ‘Infant Behaviour and Development‘ after the team conducted research with nearly 1000 parents.

Researchers spoke to 957 parents about the difference between their baby’s ‘fake’ smile and the ‘real’ one.

They explained that most parents noticed the big change when their infant was around four weeks old.

They said their real smile was more genuine than the ones before.

Study author, Emese Nagy said babies mirror their parent’s behaviours which is why they smile so early.

“If a baby keeps eye contact, blinks, and smiles, their parent will likely smile back – making the smile rewarding.”

“While further studies are needed, it is plausible to assume that these early smiles have a social meaning,” Emese explained.

“To many of us in the field, it is at the very least clear that these smiles are more than just a reflex.”


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