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04th Dec 2015

Really easy tips to tone that bum in 3 minutes (from the bedroom floor)

Gillian Hynes

Okay, ladies, who wants the perfect derrière? We’re not talking Kim Kardashian-style, but a little firmer and higher would make us feel a little healthier and happier, right? Our renowned fitness and weight loss expert, Gillian Hynes of Body Project has a simple workout that can be done at home in a matter of minutes.

This is SO easy. Just put aside a couple of minutes to follow this step-by-step video. Use a mat or towel for added comfort.



Reps: 12 on each leg

Step 1: In box position, with wrists directly below the shoulders, knees below the hips, legs together. Draw tight into your abs and lengthen one leg straight from the body level with the hips.

Step 2: Sweep the leg out to the outside of the body, gently tapping your toe to the ground. Lift the leg back to centre then tap to the opposite side. That’s 1 rep.

Watchpoint: Try to keep your hips from rocking excessively, the more still you remain the more you’ll be tightening and toning that butt.

Single leg hip raise

Reps: 6 on each leg

Step 1: Lying on your back, feet on the floor, legs bent to 45 degrees, arms by your sides.

Step 2: Press through your heels to lift your hips from the mat, creating a straight line through the knees, hips and shoulders. No tension in the neck.

Step 3: Lift one foot from the mat, bringing the knees level and with the foot flexed.

Step 4: Slowly lower your hips to an inch from the floor, then press through the heel to raise the hips back to the lifted position.

Step 5: Lower to the mat and switch legs.

Watchpoint: Keep the knees level throughout.

Sumo Squat

Reps: 12

Step 1: Step feet wide apart with your heels in and toes out, arms by your sides.

Step 2: Slowly push your hips back and down, aiming to bring them to parallel with the knees, and knees directly above the ankles. Raise your arms forward as your hips lower.

Step 3: Press through the heels to return to the tall position, arms drop back by your sides.

Watchpoint: Make sure to adjust the width of your stance if your knees are not above your ankles in the bottom of the position.

Jumping squats

Duration: 20 seconds

Step 1: From standing with arms by your sides, bend the knees and push hips back, arms swing back in a controlled manner.

Step 2: Pushing through the heels jump from the floor, simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Land on the flat of the feet bringing arms back down by your sides.

Step 3: Keep your jumping squat continuous and fluid.

Watchpoint: Keep your weight firmly in your heels and make sure your knees stay behind your toes.

Rear lunge into front high knee

Reps: 8 on each leg

Step 1: From standing, feet at hip distance, arms in defence position. Step one leg behind and drop the knee to an inch from the floor.

Step 2: Press through the front heel to drive the rear leg forward and through into a front high knee.

Step 3: Drop back into the rear lunge.

Watchpoint: Your front heel should remain firmly on the floor throughout. In the bottom of the position, front knee should be above the ankle and rear leg at 90 degrees.

Fine out more about Gillian, her Dublin 2 studio, and the 4-6 week training and chef-prepared paleo meals at Body Project.