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03rd May 2015

Summer’s coming – time to bust those bingo wings, ladies

Fitness Expert Gillian Hynes shows us how to get Jennifer Aniston arms for beach season

Gillian Hynes

Summer is just around the corner. It’s a shame that the sunniest season often inspires a collective shudder of fear from us ladies at the prospect of baring our arms.

If that sounds like you then fret no more. Here is the BodyProject guide to giving your arms that Jennifer Aniston definition, all in your own home.

Though many of these exercises are demonstrated with weights, they can easily be done with household objects of equal weight.

You’ll do these exercises circuit style (one set of each exercise in sequence to complete one circuit) and then start again.
Aim to do this workout five times each week (yes, really!).

Beginners: Do 15 seconds at each station, four to five rounds in total.
Advanced: Do up to 30 seconds, between five and seven rounds.

Twisting Bicep Curl
Step 1: Stand tall, palms facing into the legs. feet shoulder width apart.
Step 2: Keeping your elbows tucked in by your sides, curl your arms to bring your hands up to the shoulders, palms facing the shoulders.
Step 3: Pause at the top then slowly lower the hands back to the start position.

Single arm tricep kickback*
Step 1: On your hands and knees, hold a dumbbell in one hand, upper arm in line with the torso, elbow at ninety degrees.
Step 2: Extend the arm to straighten it fully, keeping the upper arm in line with the torso throughout.
Step 3: Pause at the top, then slowly release back the the start position.
Beginners 15 seconds on each side, advanced 30 seconds each side.

Single arm shoulder press
Step 1: From standing, weights sitting over the shoulder, elbows pointing down.
Step 2: Fully extend one arm to bring the weight directly over the head.
Step 3: Pause at the top then slowly lower back to the start position.
Step 4: Push the other weight over the head.

Tricep push-ups
Step 1: On your knees with your hands directly below the shoulders and a straight line through the knees, hips and shoulders, tummy tight.
Step 2: Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, keeping your arms close to the torso and sending your elbows toward your heels.
Step 3: Push away from the floor to return to the start position.

Lateral raises
Step 1: From standing, holding weights with arms by sides, palms facing in.
Step 2: Raise the arms out to the side bringing them level with the shoulder.
Step 3: Pause at the top and then slowly lower the arms back to the start position.

Gillian Hynes is a renowned weight loss and fitness expert and the founder of Body Project.You can learn more about Body Project and the four and six-week training and chef-prepared Paleo meal plan here.

COMING SOON to The Body Project’s 30 Day Bikini Body Countdown. We’re up for it, if you are?

