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03rd May 2020

Weekend wellness: The easy peasy DIY face mask Sunday nights were made for

Trine Jensen-Burke

I love a little at-home pamper session, and am always trying my best to turn our bathroom into my very own little mini spa.

Seriously, I know it can be hard to manage to get out for an actual spa day (and not to mention expensive), but the good news is that there is plenty of lovely beauty treatments you can mix together at home that will leave your skin feeling as if you were indeed tended to at an actual spa.

This face mask is my latest discovery and has now become my little Sunday night ritual. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and nourished, probably as the B vitamins and fatty acids in the avocado hydrate like there is no tomorrow.

The best bit? You probably already have everything you need in the kitchen.

1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 avocado
1/4 honey

Mash the avocado and mix the ingredients together in a bowl.

Leave on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Now, (g)low to bed!