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28th Sep 2017

Coronation Street actress confirms exit from soap after dramatic scenes

Things are going to get even worse for poor Bethany.

Keeley Ryan

Spoilers ahead.

One of the stars of Coronation Street has confirmed they will be leaving the cobbles after a series of dramatic scenes.

Warning: This story contains spoilers for Coronation Street. 

Sonia Ibrahim has confirmed her character will exit the soap after groomer Nathan Curtis’ trial ends.

She told The Sun:

“It’s been an amazing time, it’s been great to work here.

“The opportunity I’ve had is amazing and it’s just a massive family and everyone’s so welcoming and it’s so nice to work with such great people.”

But the actress, who plays Nathan Curtis’ first victim Mel, said that the storyline with Bethany Platt will get even more troubling before she goes.

The brainwashed salon assistant is ready to go to any lengths necessary to stop schoolgirl Bethany from testifying against Nathan in court.

Sonia warned:

“Mel is capable of doing anything.

“Whatever Nathan wants, Mel will do it and Nathan doesn’t want Bethany to get to court.

“We know how brainwashed she is with Nathan.”

The dramatic scenes are set to unfold after Nathan calls Mel and tells her to do whatever it takes to stop Bethany from getting to court.

Mel lies and tells the young girl that she’s ready to go to the police about her own abuse from Nathan, and asks Bethany to come along with her for support.

But Mel’s true motives are revealed when the car stops beside the railway line, and she grabs Bethany by the hair and drags her towards the tracks – before threatening her with a crowbar.

The autumn preview for the popular soap later shows Craig Tinker being called to the same place, after the body of a teenager is found.

The same necklace that Nathan gave to Bethany is also found at the scene, leaving fans terrified for the school girl.