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09th Jul 2022

Love Island’s Jacques O’Neill has ADHD, family announces

Kat O'Connor

“He can struggle with emotions”

Love Island star Jacques O’Neill has ADHD.

His family announced the news in an Instagram post this afternoon. The news comes after two explosive episodes of Love Island this week. Jacques has come under fire for how he has treated Paige, but his family says there’s no need for the waves of hate coming his way.

“Jacques was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 9 years old,” his family shared.

“By no means is this a get-out clause for his actions but it is to show that he can fundamentally struggle with his emotions at times.”

“He is an amazing person who I’m proud to call my friend/little brother.”

They stressed that the hate aimed at Jacques isn’t affecting him, but it is hurting his loved ones, especially his parents.

“All the hate thrown towards Jacques doesn’t go to him directly….It comes to his loved ones who have always supported him and not just whilst he is on Love Island.”

They stressed that what you see on Love Island is only a snippet of reality. They are only airing a portion of what goes on in the villa so his family has asked the public to remember that before judging Jacques.

“Love Island, although real is still a show where the producers do have control.”

“We see 45minutes out of 1440 in 24 hours.”

They urged people to “be kind”.

In Thurday’s Love Island, Jacques decided to stay coupled up with Paige. However, drama ensued after Paige found out he was getting to know other girls during Casa Amor.