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06th Dec 2017

Expectation V Reality: 5 absolute TRUTHS about Christmas Day with kids

Sophie White

8We all have big expectations when it comes to Christmas…

The pressure to create impossibly perfect, magical memories for our adorable little loin fruits is pretty big, but then what happens when the little f*ckers don’t play the game?


Expectation vs Reality: 5 TRUTHS about christmas morning with kids

Expectation: They’re going to have us up at FIVE in the morning. UUUUUuuuggghhhh

Reality: Oh no, they have us up waaaaaay earlier than that.

man 1

Expectation: We’ll all sit around in cosy footsie pyjamas drinking hot chocolates and opening presents in a loving and civilised fashion.

Reality: The hot chocolates made them mildly insane at five in the morning and the presents were opened before we even came down.


Expectation: The baby will LOVE this adorable, novelty Rudolph babygro…

Reality: The baby is NOT happy. The adorable, novelty Rudolph babygro is in fact more like an adorable, novelty Rudolph hair shirt and the baby will not countenance keeping the thing on even long enough for a photo.


Expectation: We’ll all bundle up and go on a lovely, bracing Christmas walk before dinner.

Reality: Everyone will become cranky and overheated just getting ready for the bracing walk… until the walk is scrapped in favour of lying around eating sausage rolls until it’s time for dinner.


Expectation: We are going to have the most epic, perfect, Instagrammable Christmas Day everrrrrr.

Reality: It will be chaotic, in the best way possible.
