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08th Jul 2015

This girl just shot her wobbly tooth out with a sling bow

Sive O'Brien

Losing a tooth is probably one of the most exciting things that can happen to a kid.

But whatever kind of tooth extraction your children prefer, this is probably one method that you haven’t seen before.

We can only imagine that eleven-year-old Alexis Davidson was growing increasingly frustrated with her wobbly tooth when she decided to shoot it out using a sling bow.

In order to get the job done the loose tooth is attached to a piece of string, which is tied to an arrow. Looking fearless and warrior-like, Alexis then lets go of the arrow without so much as a scream or grimace, as her dad stands by and films the whole thing in slow mo. The young (and brave) girl even raises her arms in victory straight after taking the shot. What a star. (Although we wouldn’t recommend trying this at home. Ouch.)