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23rd Aug 2016

Mum’s Graphic Post About Her ‘Easy’ C-Section Is SPOT ON

Sophie White

Missouri Mum, Raye Lee is pissed off about the attitude she has encountered regarding her c-section delivery.

In a passionate Facebook post titled ‘Long Dramatic Post Warning’ she is intent on dispelling that age-old myth of the c-section being ‘the easy way out’ as infuriating phrases like “too posh, to push” imply.

Lee decided to share stark images of her body post-surgery to dispel the myth of the section as being easy or in some way less valid than a ‘real’ (vaginal) birth. It’s different for sure but easy? No way.

Lee who gave birth to her first baby, Roxas this summer relates her difficult recovery in the emotional post.

“You use your core muscles for literally everything… even sitting down, imagine not being able to use them because they have literally been shredded and mangled by a doctor and not being able to repair them for 6+ weeks because your body has to do it naturally.”

Lee had been aiming to deliver her son without intervention but after 38 hours of labouring, it was determined that her child was in distress and an emergency c-section was the only option for safe delivery.

Lee feels that others have assumed that she chose the surgical delivery as a “matter of convenience” and with her distinctly sarcastic tone she is quick to disabuse others of this notion:

“Ah, yes. My emergency c-section was absolutely a matter of convenience. It was really convenient to be in labor for 38 hours before my baby went into distress and then every contraction was literally STOPPING his HEART.”

“Being told at the beginning that I was displaying great progress and wouldn’t need a cesarean section… and then being told that I was being prepped for major abdominal surgery was not a shock at all.”

“It had nothing to do with the fact that I physically couldn’t because I was given no other choice to save the life of my child. Oh, and that surgery is super easy peasy to recover from.”

“WRONG. This was the most painful thing I have experienced in my life.”

“F**k you and f**k how you see what I did”

Lee says she is now a member of a “badass tribe of mamas” with the scar to prove it.

“Having a shrieking infant pulled out of an incision that is only five inches long, but is cut and shredded and pulled until it rips apart through all of your layers of fat, muscle, and organs (which lie on the table next to your body, in order to continue to cut until they reach your child) is a completely different experience than I had imagined my son’s birth to be,” she writes.

“I am the strongest woman, that I know. Not only for myself, but for my beautiful son… and I would honestly go through this every single day just to make sure I am able to see his smiling face.”

Clearly, the vivid post has resonated with a huge number of mothers as it has been shared over 11,000 times and attracted 10,000 likes in four days.

Did YOU have a c-section? Any total A-Holes tell YOU it was the easy way out? Let us know in the comments…

More about c-section delivery:

