While much is being said and written about how more and more women are opting for elective C-sections, one Australian mum blogger has had enough of the “easy c-section” misconception.
and her passionate social media post about the reality of delivering a baby this way is striking a chord with others.
Being well aware that some people look at sections as the “easy way out,” Sophie McCartney of Tired ‘N Tested took to Facebook earlier this year to share some home truths on caesarean deliveries.
Being a mama who herself had experienced an actual c-section, McCartney was just not having it.
Sophie’s own daughter, Destiny, was born via c-section after 45 minutes of trying to push her out – at the end of a gruelling 16 hour labour. She explains the reality of her own birth and it’s so very far from easy.
“There seems to be an odd assumption that having a C-Section is some sort of magical and pain-free alternative to natural childbirth,” she writes.
“Granted, if it’s planned you can eliminate contraction pains and a lot of the vomit / poo indignity that goes with a natural labour – but you still have to undergo major surgery… AWAKE (in most cases).”
Also, let’s talk about the recovery – where anyone who has had a C-section will be the first to tell you this cannot possibly be the easy way out.
“A c-section is also one of the few major operations you’ll have where less than 24 hours after going under the knife, you’re hurled out of bed and sent for a walk and a shower,” McCartney writes.
“You’ve got a child to look after woman, no time for laying around and feeling sorry for yourself. Brutal.”
In the end, the blogger points out that no birth can EVER be easy.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news folks, but I’ve come to the conclusion there’s no easy way to birth … What goes up must come down, albeit nine months later and slightly heavier – there’s just no getting away from pain, scars, complications, and a hefty dose of indignity.”
That said, it’s the final adorable prize that matters most, however they arrived, or as Sophie reminds us:
“If everyone comes out of it healthy, happy and alive – who really cares?”
Amen to that, Sophie.