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23rd Mar 2015

Pregnancy exhaustion? We’ve got you covered

Top tips to help you out of any slump


Pregnant? Feeling tired? Yep, we’re sorry to say, but it’s the most normal thing in the world. Your body is doing amazing things, after all: huge changes are happening, and every part of you is working so hard to grow that little human inside you.

But don’t fret, we’re here with some simple but super-effective tips to combat that listless feeling that leaves you yawning all day:

Pregnancy vitamins

Never skip a day – make sure you continue taking your pregnancy vitamins throughout every trimester. They bridge all the nutritional gaps in your diet, giving you sufficient intake of folic acid, iron, calcium and iodine, all important to combat tiredness.

Listen to your body

If you’re feeling tired, try to take a disco nap. There’s nothing more effective than a quick cat nap to fend off fatigue.

pregnant sleeping

Stay hydrated

While it’s tempting to reach for a cup of coffee, stick to water. It might surprise you, but a glass of water is guaranteed to perk you up more than a good old cup of joe. Fatigue is often a symptom of dehydration so make you’re drinking at least six to eight glasses a day.

Protein snacks

Keep a protein-packed snack in your bag to take you from bed to Pilates to the school run without any lethargy. Tucking into a snack like a Nature Valley Protein Bar will help avoid the slump when your blood sugar levels take a dip.

Get lots of fresh air

When you’re feeling exhausted, it’s tempting to stay inside curled up on the couch. But if you’re constantly cooped up, you’ll find it difficult to get our of your slump. Head outside for a brisk stroll, take long deep breaths, and you’ll be perked up before you know it.

pregnant walking

Accept offers of help

Now is the time to call in favours. When someone in your life offers to help you around the house, accept it. Reach out to friends and family and ask them to give you a hand. And if you’re a mum already, ask a friend or neighbour to take your little one for a couple of hours while you grab some shut-eye.

Eat fresh food and vegetables

While it’s tempting to reach for your favourite chocolate bar when you’re pregnant, choose fresh food. Eat good food often. Curb your carb intake to avoid feeling sluggish. Nutritious meals are much more effective when it comes to combating tiredness.


Do some gentle exercise

Whether it’s going for a stroll with your best friend or taking a pregnancy yoga class, keeping active will help ward off those slumps.

Listen to some music

Keep an upbeat playlist on your phone or sound system and tune in whenever you feel like you need a little lift. You’d be surprised how quickly your favourite lively tune gives you a pep in your step. And if the mood takes you, get up and shake your booty– your baby bump will thank you.

pregnant music

Enjoy a smoothie

A fruit-packed drink is filling, packed with nutrients and a great antidote to fatigue, perking you up in no time.

Hang in there

It’s only temporary. Enjoy this super-special time. So much excitement awaits you.

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