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26th Jan 2016

The Pregnancy Diaries: Week 20 – We’re At The Halfway Stage

Big belly

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced relief like this. I haven’t bled for five days and I’m really hopeful it’s stopped for good.

Blood is never nice to see but it had become a constant source of worry for me and no matter what the medics say to comfort you, it’s not easy to shake the fear of losing your baby. I’m hoping and praying I’ve seen the last of it.

So, we have five months to go until the bump comes into the world and it’s all becoming very real, very fast. Baby is now around the size of a banana and I’m starting to become more familiar with those strange ‘fluttering sensations’. It’s time to get ourselves ready!

One of my friends remarked recently that nine months was just the right length of time to get you ready for pregnancy. I never really thought how right she was until recently. I feel it’s only now that I’m ready to look around for buggies, prams and cots. I’ve started making a checklist of what we need and looking at ideas online. And, while this is another lovely way to spend a few hours, looking at prices is certainly a shock. Like, who on earth would buy a buggy for several hundred euro? But then you look closer and when they bombard you with words like ‘safety’, ‘comfort’ and ‘lifetime guarantee’, and the money doesn’t seem like such an extravagance. You want your baby to be safe at all costs and I guess that’s being a parent… tied in of course with smart marketing.


Things that never stood out before actively annoy and concern me now. Those stains on the wall, the curtains in need of upgrading and the presses that could fall at any minute. Okay, well I’m exaggerating the latter but there’s a lot to be done to get a home ready for a baby and – eek! – a toddler who will grab things at every opportunity. I’ve started to point the finger of blame and responsibility at hubby. Surely he must have noticed that we’re living in a house of horrors when it comes to children?! Anyway, this is down to us both and so yes, it’s good we have a few months to plan and prepare and of course save like mad people.

As we hadn’t exactly ‘planned’ this pregnancy, our finances are under closer scrutiny than ever. It’s time to get down to business and get ready…

Stay with us every week for more from ‘Big Belly’ as she continues her pregnancy adventure.