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17th Jun 2021

Two Irish mums create baby loss journal to help others going through what they did

Laura Cunningham

The journal was created for all parents who experience loss, no matter how recently.

Two Irish mums have created a beautiful journal to help bereaved parents deal with the loss of their children.

Laura Doyle sadly lost her baby Beau, at 23 weeks in November 2019. As part of her healing journey, she began working with Sarah Tobin who taught her Tapping; an emotional freedom technique used to release the grief and trauma of loss.

Sarah lost her daughter, Alice in November 2014 and, during their sessions together, the pair came up with the idea of a journal to help women like them work through their pain.

And so, The Other Side of The Door Journal was born, to help families move towards a life after loss.

The pair began fundraising to publish 2000 copies and enlisted the help of Irish Charities, Feileacain and the Irish Miscarriage Association of Ireland to help get the journal in the hands of the families who needed it.

They are now also selling the journal directly, to secure more funds for continued printing, so that the book is available for anyone who needs it going forward.

You can pick up a copy of The Other Side of The Door Journal for yourself, or a loved one who might benefit from it, here.


baby loss