For those that want to hear nothing about the ‘C’ word for another two months, you might want to look away now.
One of the biggest moments in the Christmas calendar is the release of the John Lewis advert.
Yes, every year, we wait eagerly for the ad to appear on our tellies and see if the newest edition will have us shedding a tear.
And it’s not just the ad that gets us going, it’s the song too.
Well, John Lewis has just announced the singer who will be lending their vocals to this year’s track and we’re certain it’s going to be a tear-jerker.
The department store has signed up the one and only Elton John to perform this year’s number and for a hefty price tag.
The 71-year-old is reportedly set to take home an eye-watering £5million for his part in the iconic TV ad singing his legendary song, Your Song.
And it looks like he’s already done the majority of the work.
According to sources, the singer spent four days at London’s Pinewood Studios shooting his scenes for the ad.
The finished edit is expected to arrive on our screens in November and will tell the story of a young Elton John opening Christmas presents.