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Family dynamics

01st May 2018

Gransnet user makes complaint about ‘demanding’ adult children

Olivia Hayes

She says her son is nice, however.

A woman has taken to Gransnet to complain about adult children.

In the post, the user says that adults these days are ‘unpleasant’ and ‘demanding’, and she doesn’t understand how so much has changed in the space of a few years.

In the opening paragraph she writes:

“In so many cases, adult children really do not treat their parents very well, are demanding of their time for childcare, unsympathetic to the parent’s needs and downright unpleasant if they don’t get what they want.

“I am in my fifties and would never have dreamed of treating my parents or my IL as these people do, and if I have asked for support where childcare was concerned, I have always tried to be grateful. Why do they treat their elders like this?,” she asks.

It is assumed that her children do not have kids, as she said it may come for her when her “adult children start demanding,” but for the moment, her son looks out for her when she’s sick.

“I am sure some will come back and say it is a generational thing, to wait until my adult children start demanding…not really the case, we have our ups and downs, but in general, they are respectful.

“This week I have a bug and DS was happy to spoil me yesterday (not working at present) and make me cups of tea, and just generally be sweet. He offered to cook, and although I really didn’t want to eat, it was kind of him to offer.

“I realise I am lucky, but wonder why this is no longer the norm?,” she finishes.

Many wrote back to the woman and said people mainly use those types of forums to complain, so that is why it seems so normal these days, but what do you think mamas?

Do you think we’re demanding of our parents when it comes to childcare? Is there only a small few that are ‘unpleasant’? Let us know.