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Baby names

03rd Jul 2016

11 MTV Reality Star Baby Names Any Pop Culture Parent Will Love

Trine Jensen-Burke

Confession: I was a huge fan of MTV’s The Hills.

And in fairness, what wasn’t to love about it? The fashion. The drama. The romance. The glorious California lifestyle these genetically blessed people were leading. It all just made for brilliant TV.

Anyway, this wasn’t the end of the shows brilliance, if you ask me. Oh no. There was a lot of great things happening on The Hills, and if you have been itching to return to your 2006 roots (aren’t we all?!), how about letting these MTV stars serve as an inspiration when it comes to picking a baby name?

Yes, you heard me. These names are too good not to use!



Or LC (that is Lauren Conrad for those of you not in the know) as she was also called, was the head-banded, sweetheart, perfectly dressed star of the show – and still a source of much girl crushing for many of us.

Also, possibly the most beautiful crier the world has ever seen!


2. Audrina

Ah, how we loved cool, slightly more wild-child Audrina and her great taste in clothes and slightly worse taste in men!


3. Lo

Short for Lauren and LC best childhood friend – who happened to also be a bit of a frenemy of Audrina´s.

4. Brody

Oh, Brody… Was there anyone of the entire female Hills cast this guy didn’t date?!


5. Spencer

There are no words to describe Spencer, really… except we are still amazed him and Heidi actually ended up together.


6. Whitney

Whitney, the perfect good-girl fashion princess! We still love her! (And miss her spin-off show The City even more!)


7. Stephanie

Spencer’s sister, who managed to make herself Lauren’s bestie (despite the hate-filled relationship that existed between Lauren and Spencer!) The drama!

8. Heidi

Oh, Heidi… Her relationship with Spencer cost her her friendship with LC, and we are just all sorts of shocked at the amount of plastic surgery she went on to have.


9. Kristin

Now a married, sensible mum-of-three, in her Hills days, Kristin Cavallari was a bit of a wild child, who tended to try and snog Lauren’s boyfriends.


10. Bobby

Or Justin… Or; even better, JUSTIN BOBBY!


11. Jason

The dark, broody reason Lauren didn’t go to Paris that time and saw her star position at Teen Vogue slip.

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