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Baby names

06th Jul 2019

The 10 biggest baby naming deal breakers (according to parents)

Keeley Ryan

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Finding the perfect name for your little one can be tough.

After all, there’s a lot to consider.

Like, you may want it to be something unique to your little one. But not so unique that they end up spelling it out for the rest of their lives.

But, also, you may be keen for it not to be so common that they will end up sharing a name with half of their classmates when they reach school-age.

And, of course, you want it to match with you and your partner’s surname.

Baby girl is eating ice cream on the beach

While parents-to-be are drawing inspiration from just about anywhere nowadays, it turns out there are some absolute deal breakers when it comes to finding the ever-elusive perfect name.

According to a ChannelMum poll of 1,200 parents [via Huffington Post], one out of three parents said they would rule out any moniker that is rising within the baby naming charts.

And nearly 75 per cent of couples would refuse to pick a baby name if it was the same as one of their partner’s former partners, while two in five would stay away from any names that were the same as a famous child.

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Meanwhile, one in five couples refused to pick a nam that referenced a sports team – and 24 per cent wouldn’t pick a name used by the royal family. baby name expert SJ Strum said:

“Names carry a lot of weight and have a very strong impact on how other people perceive your child.

“Even if you love how a name looks and sounds, you can’t separate it from the people it reminds you of.”

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The full list of the top 10 baby naming no-go’s are:

1. Disliking someone with the same name
2. Partner’s ex’s name
3. If name is common in local area
4. Celebrity baby name
5. Name rising in baby name charts
6. Royals
7. Politicians
8. Adult celebrity name
9. Sports team
10. Name falling in baby name charts


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