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10th Sep 2015

Warning! These pictures WILL make you broody

Trine Jensen-Burke

A birth photographer captures photos of newborns still in the foetal position just moments after they have entered the world.

Marry Fermont, 35, from Holland, said the photos give new parents an insight of how their baby has been positioned for the past nine months inside the mother’s belly.



This also gives an answer to the question so many of us have asked upon seeing a newborn baby: “How did YOU fit in THERE?!”

The talented photographer, who had been taking birth- and newborn photographs for families for some time, explains she found her inspiration when she witnessed a midwife holding a baby up to show the parents how it had been positioned inside the womb.


The beautiful photos have caught the interest of many, and Fermont says she now always asks midwives to hold the babies they have just delivered up so she can capture them like this, all curled up as if they are still fitted snugly inside their mothers.


Fermont said in an interview how the images never seizes to amaze her, despite now having done many of them.

“Every time I witness a birth I can’t believe that baby just came out of a woman.”


Photo credit: Fermont Fotografie