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22nd Jan 2018

Your baby at 13 weeks pregnant: Week-by-week guide to development


Welcome to week 13 of your pregnancy! This week, your baby is as big as a lemon. Here’s what else you can expect this week.

Your baby

As the first trimester ends your baby is about the size of a lemon and is covered with a type of fuzz, a downy hair known as lanugo. Bones are beginning to form in the legs and arms and around the head. The amniotic fluid which your baby is swallowing is being filtered by the kidneys and passed back out as urine. The intestines, which have actually been growing inside the umbilical cord, move to the abdomen.


Second trimester! You made it. You (hopefully) might find yourself feeling more energetic. The frequent bathroom trips caused by your expanding uterus could continue, though they might become less frequent as your uterus rises into your abdomen. There’s a lot more blood pumping around your pelvic area and some women find that it increases their sex drive. It could also make you feel more thirsty, so drink lots of fluids.

You might also be experiencing some heartburn and wondering will it ever end. The short answer? Eventually, yes. But in the meantime, our 5 Natural Remedies For Gaviscon-Guzzling Pregnant Women With Raging Heartburn should be on your reading list.

Anything else?

As you enter the second trimester at week 13, statistically, the risk of miscarriage significantly drops, offering a sense of relief for many expectant parents. However, prenatal care is still as important as ever. Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional are essential to monitor your health and your baby’s development.