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13th Jan 2016

Study finds that couples who start trying for a baby within 3 months of miscarriage are “more likely” to become pregnant


There is no right time to start trying for another baby after a miscarriage as you have to take time for physical and emotional recovery.

While the general recommendation would be to wait 3-6 months, new research has found that for many couples there is no need to wait.

According to numerous reports the study, published in the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal, found that those who try for a baby within three months of losing a pregnancy are more likely to get pregnant and have a live birth.

Experts looked at over 1,000 women – the majority of whom suffered a miscarriage before the 20-week mark and did not have any complications – during the course of four years.

Over three quarters of them tried to get pregnant within three months and 70 per cent of those did become pregnant with 53 per cent going on to have a live birth.

To put this into context, 51 per cent of those who waited for longer became pregnant again and under a quarter of them had a live birth.

The authors of the study explained: “Recommendations to delay pregnancy attempts for at least 3-6 months among couples who are psychologically ready to begin trying may be unwarranted and should be revisited.

“Although emotional compared with physical readiness may require individual couple assessment, previous research has found that a speedy new pregnancy and birth of a living child lessens grief among couples who are suffering from a pregnancy loss.”

We would like to note however that the findings do have limitations in that the dates may not be entirely accurate and there is no guarantee that trying to conceive within three months will lead to a full-term pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Miscarriage affects a number of couples and everyone is different in relation to how they deal with things and their approach to start trying again.

While this study does appear to suggest that for some, there is no reason to delay, other factors do need to be taken into account and we would advise anyone to consult their doctor before trying to conceive following a miscarriage.

For more information and support services, please visit The Miscarriage Association of Ireland website here.