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HelloFresh - Back to school


08th Sep 2015

5 Ways To Immediately Boost Your Body Confidence

Alison Bough


It’s that time of year again. That special time where you start bulk buying those tummy-holding-in-corsetty-pants in Penneys, swearing off bread and panicking about what still fits for the Christmas party.

Last year, some terrifying statistics emerged from the UK stating that 10 million women have reported they ‘feel depressed’ because of the way they look and that by the age of just 17, roughly 78% of American girls are unhappy with their bodies. Ten million women depressed about their own bodies!? It makes you wonder what exactly is going on in women’s minds – what are we doing to ourselves?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not immune to this depressing phenomenon of mirror fear and self-loathing. I had three babies, in five years, and one of them was over the 10b mark (shudder). So after two ‘naturals’ (hmmm nothing about it ever seemed natural to me) and one C-section my body knows all about it. Stretch marks? Yup. Scars? Check. Weird X mark from a stretched 90s bellybutton piercing? Tick. Don’t even get me started on the boobs (we consciously uncoupled). I get it; I do. BUT it has to stop ladies; we have to start to love what we’ve got.

I have always harboured a sneaking suspicion that if men had these ‘battle wounds’ they would probably be showing them off in the pub, comparing scars, and talking loudly about their general bravery at every given opportunity. So c’mon girls, let’s face up to the not-so-secret-secret that men already know: a happy, confident woman is one hell of a sexy woman.


Here are 5 ways to boost your body confidence right now:


1. Stop comparing yourself to other women

Sit down and write a list of your beautiful, unique features, even if you find it a bit painful and cringe-inducing to do so.


2. Remember that the advertising images are not real

The models and actresses you are comparing yourself to have a team of pre- and post-production professionals working hard to make these photos perfect. However, photoshop perfection is not reality.


3. Exercise

Yeah yeah, I know, I know… you’ve heard it all before, BUT the impact exercise has on your mind and your mood is really amazing and the science is there to back it up. Don’t do it to be thin, do it for your thoughts!


4. Learn to take a compliment

I think we can safely say that Irish women are the absolute worst at this! Try to practice just saying ‘thanks’ and ignore the negative self-talk that immediately pops up in your head as a response, believe me, that voice is not doing you any favours.


5. Compliment other women

By boosting the confidence of other women you will also boost yours – it’s nice to be nice. Remember that compliments work on other attributes too and not just physical appearance. Let’s teach our daughters and the next generation of young women that they are, in the immortal words of Mark Darcy to Bridget Jones, beautiful just as they are. Massive pants and all.


Has how you think about yourself changed since you had children? If so, I want to hear your story. Get in touch with me at [email protected]